IT Support OPS

Enter your Full Name
Please select your warehouse
Enter your operator code or picker number
Is this a critical issue?(Required)
Is this a critical issue which requires urgent IT action?
Please enter a number you can be reached on, should we need to call you - Required for Critical Issues. Please include area code or mobile number
DD slash MM slash YYYY
Date that issue occurred
Time that issue occurred
Please enter your Tablet Number, e.g WH-SYD-01
Printer Issue
Please select which printers are not working
Espresso Logs Uploaded
If Espresso related, have you uploaded logs?
Please describe your issue with as much detail as possible, including any troubleshooting that you have already performed.
Contact WG IT Support on 02 8602 0021
If Critical issue please follow up with phone call if you have not heard from us in 30 minutes.